Spring has arrived and WHS is here to show you how to revitalize your look for the season. Weather during the Spring can be completely unpredictable, therefore making your perfect style in the morning drab and under a hat by lunch time. Hopefully after a few of these tips your hair will no longer be negatively affected by these damp dewy days!
Tip One: In the morning before you leave and at night before you go to sleep; apply a light anti-frizz serum, (WHS Favorite- Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum) to the hair to create a nice shine, but also penetrate the strands with loads of moisture, where it displaces water and constricts the hair.
Tip Two: If you have a fresh due and the rain is pouring heavily, leave your hair wrapped up, put on a cute hat and undue your hair when you arrive at your destination indoors. This not only protects your hair from the moisture, but also pollution and debris that may be floating around in the air.
Tip Three: Try effortless styles, that aren’t too difficult to maintain during the day. When you use too much product, bobby pins or accessories; it becomes a hefty and annoying task to correct. Use light curls with a little holding spray. Try simple pony tails, with a little height in the front, or French braids are always a classic look!
These three tips are not only useful, but extremely simple for anyone to try. Always remember that you create your own style, we’ll just help you maintain it!