Wellington Hair Spa is now the home of the “ Hydration Therapy, Organic Satin Pillowcase,” by Neero & Ana. Aren't you annoyed with your mundane hair wrapping routine every night? In most cases scarves and bonnets, rip your hair out, flatten hair volume and rarely stay on through-out the night.
Well ladies, the eco-friendly organic satin pillowcase is the solution to all your problems. This tightly weaved pillow case gives your hair the freedom to breathe and move freely as you sleep, without feeling strands of hair being pulled out.
Over-Night Renewal Treatment
Satin Hydration Therapy has the attainable goal to keep your hair hydrated and free from any damaging agents that could remove critical moisture, which causes the hair to weaken, thin and become sparse.
-Neero & Ana
This organic case is anti-absorbent, 100% cellulose acetate botanicals, and also protects the skin from drying out while you sleep. It comes in a variety of exciting colors including ravenous red, pure black, cranberry cocktail, sugarcoated secrets and so many more. You can also order in different sizes according to your pillow size. Why go through another night without your Satin Hydrating Pillowcase; stop by Wellington Hair Spa today and purchase your solution!